The book Léa and the old red truck was written by Thérèse Labrie
The drawings are by Maude Labrie Steben
The book is made up of 31 pages made from recycled materials and illustrated with de numerous drawings.
"Léa and the old red truck" is above all an invitation to children to think about ecology for the well-being and that of future generations.
Thérèse Labrie taught theater for 15 years. She has set up projects with young people at primary and secondary level in difficulty. She formed a theater troupe. Wrote and directed a play which was presented in the summer of 2010.
Writing is his passion. She has fifteen plays to her credit and a film script in the works.
Lover of nature and all that is ecological, she wrote this book for children, in order to make them aware of the importance of taking care of our old green planet.
Brilliant find, her book “Léa and the old red truck” is made from 100% recycled materials, 100% natural.
Léa's next stories are coming soon...
- Léa makes compost
- Léa and her little brother Xavier
Ecologically yours.